.. include:: ../resources.rst .. _install-docker: ######################## Installation with Docker ######################## ***** About ***** This part of the documentation covers the building of Docker images and running PatZilla within a Docker container. The provided ``Dockerfile`` is meant to build Docker images for official releases of PatZilla. Because the ``patzilla`` package will be installed from `PatZilla on PyPI`_, this setup is not suitable for development purposes. ******** Synopsis ******** Acquire sources:: git clone https://github.com/ip-tools/patzilla cd patzilla/docker Build Docker image:: docker build --tag local/patzilla . Test drive:: docker run --rm -it local/patzilla patzilla --version Generate PatZilla configuration file:: docker run --rm -it local/patzilla patzilla make-config production --flavor=docker-compose > patzilla.ini Please edit the newly created ``patzilla.ini`` according to your needs before starting PatZilla. Specifically, you will need to set credentials for the OPS service. More details can be found at :ref:`EPO OPS system-wide configuration `. After configuring PatZilla, the easiest way to invoke an instance is by using the provided Docker Compose configuration:: docker compose up Then, navigate to http://localhost:6543/navigator/ in your browser and enjoy your research. ***************** Starting manually ***************** If you don't intend to use the provided Docker Compose configuration, this is an appropriate snippet that should get you started:: docker run --rm -it \ --volume=$PWD/patzilla.ini:/etc/patzilla.ini:ro --publish=6543:6543 \ local/patzilla \ pserve /etc/patzilla.ini