.. _cli: ##################################### PatZilla command line interface (CLI) ##################################### ************ Introduction ************ PatZilla can be used on the command line as a powerful "Swiss Army knife"-like utility for patent data acquisition and processing. ************* Configuration ************* You can either use it with your well-known PatZilla configuration file, like:: export PATZILLA_CONFIG=patzilla/config/development-local.ini patzilla ops usage patzilla ops search "txt=(wind or solar) and energy" You can also invoke it without any configuration file at all by providing essential options configuring access to data sources on the command line:: # For accessing "EPO OPS". export OPS_API_CONSUMER_KEY=y3A0G86cmcij0OQU69VYGTJ4JGxUN8EVG export OPS_API_CONSUMER_SECRET=rrXdr5WA7x9tudmP patzilla ops usage patzilla ops search "txt=(wind or solar) and energy" # For accessing "IFI CLAIMS Direct". export IFICLAIMS_API_URI=https://cdws21.ificlaims.com export IFICLAIMS_API_USERNAME=acme export IFICLAIMS_API_PASSWORD=10f8GmWTz patzilla ificlaims search "text:(wind or solar) and energy" # For accessing "depa.tech". export DEPATECH_API_URI=https://api.depa.tech export DEPATECH_API_USERNAME=example.org export DEPATECH_API_PASSWORD=PkT326X5LAZkfgRp patzilla depatech lalala When both kinds of configuration variants apply, the first one takes precedence. So, if ``PATZILLA_CONFIG`` is set on your environment, it will be used and other settings will not be taken into account. Use, for example, ``unset PATZILLA_CONFIG`` in order to remove the setting from your environment again. ******** Examples ******** :: # Inquire usage information about the last seven days. patzilla ops usage # Inquire usage information about specific date range. patzilla ops usage --date-start=2022-04-01 --date-end=2022-04-07 # Submit simple query to OPS published-data search interface. # Display either in XML or JSON format. patzilla ops search pn=EP666666 | xmllint --format - patzilla ops search pn=EP666666 --json | jq # Submit query searching EPO/OPS title and abstract texts. patzilla ops search "txt=(wind or solar) and energy"