Welcome to Patent2Net

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Patent2Net is a toolkit for patent information processing and statistical analysis for education and science.

Patent2Net helps to collect, study and analyze patent data from the European Patent Office’s Open Patent Services API (OPS).

Patent2Net is free software, dedicated to …

  • provide statistical analysis and representations of a set of patents.
  • promote the use of patent information in the academic field, nano and small firms, developing countries and all those without pay mode access.
  • study and practice how to collect, treat and communicate “textual bibliographic information” and learn the automation process.

Contributions are always welcome!

Project information

The source code of the »Patent2Net« toolkit is available under an open source license, see also Patent2Net on GitHub. The project is elaborated and maintained by an international team of university professors and researchers on a free basis. The software is provided “AS IS”, see also Patent2Net Disclaimer.


Some results of patent analysis can be explored on http://patent2netv2.vlab4u.info/, e.g. about 3D printing, Arabic gum emulsifiers or Creativity.

Getting started