Ad-hoc mode¶
The ad-hoc mode allows to specify the query expression on the command line. This gives Patent2Net a more interactive mode of operation.
Data dumpers¶
These actions run the query against OPS and display decoded/polished information in JSON format.
You might want to have a look at the jq usage documentation for working with JSON data on the command line.
Full bibliographic data¶
Display bibliographic data for given query expression:
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille'
Expand each hit to its whole family:
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family
Enrich each document with its register information:
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family --with-register
For dumping data using the legacy Patent2Net brevet format:
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille' --format=brevet
Single bibliographic data field¶
Display list of publication numbers for given query expression:
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille'
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family
Display list of application numbers in epodoc format:
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille' --field='application_number_epodoc'
Display list of register.status
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family --with-register --field='register.status'
You can use all fields available in the OPSExchangeDocument data model.
Data formatters¶
Generate data for world maps using d3plus/geo_map (JSON):
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='country'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='country' --with-family
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='applicants'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='inventors'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='register.designated_states' --with-register
Generate data suitable for PivotTable.js (JSON):
p2n adhoc pivot --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family
Output of “p2n --help
$ p2n --help
Ad hoc mode
p2n ops init Initialize Patent2Net with OPS OAuth credentials
p2n adhoc search Display search results for given query expression in raw OPS format (JSON)
p2n adhoc dump Display full results for given query expression in OpsExchangeDocument or Patent2NetBrevet format (JSON)
p2n adhoc list Display list of values from single field for given query expression
p2n adhoc worldmap Generate world map for given query expression over given field
p2n adhoc pivot Generate data for pivot table
--expression=<expression> Search expression in CQL format, e.g. "TA=lentille"
--format=<format> Control output format for "p2n adhoc dump",
Choose from "ops" or "brevet" [default: ops].
--field=<field> Which field name to use with "p2n adhoc list" [default: document_number].
--with-register Also acquire register information for each result hit.
Required for "--country-field=register.designated_states".
--country-field=<country-field> Field name of country code for "p2n adhoc worldmap"
e.g. "country", "applicants", "inventors", "register.designated_states"
# Initialize Patent2Net with OPS OAuth credentials
p2n ops init --key=ScirfedyifJiashwOckNoupNecpainLo --secret=degTefyekDevgew1
# Run query and output results in OpsExchangeDocument format (JSON)
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille'
# Run query and output results in Patent2NetBrevet format (JSON)
p2n adhoc dump --expression='TA=lentille' --format=brevet
# Run query and output list of document numbers, including family members (JSON)
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family
# Run query and output list of application numbers in epodoc format
p2n adhoc list --expression='TA=lentille' --field='application_number_epodoc'
# Generate data for world maps using d3plus/geo_map (JSON)
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='country'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='applicants'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='inventors'
p2n adhoc worldmap --expression='TA=lentille' --country-field='register.designated_states' --with-register
# Generate data suitable for PivotTable.js (JSON)
p2n adhoc pivot --expression='TA=lentille' --with-family