Installation with Docker


This part of the documentation covers the building of Docker images and running PatZilla within a Docker container.

The provided Dockerfile is meant to build Docker images for official releases of PatZilla. Because the patzilla package will be installed from PatZilla on PyPI, this setup is not suitable for development purposes.


Acquire sources:

git clone
cd patzilla/docker

Build Docker image:

docker build --tag local/patzilla .

Test drive:

docker run --rm -it local/patzilla patzilla --version

Generate PatZilla configuration file:

docker run --rm -it local/patzilla patzilla make-config production --flavor=docker-compose > patzilla.ini

Please edit the newly created patzilla.ini according to your needs before starting PatZilla. Specifically, you will need to set credentials for the OPS service. More details can be found at EPO OPS system-wide configuration.

After configuring PatZilla, the easiest way to invoke an instance is by using the provided Docker Compose configuration:

docker compose up

Then, navigate to http://localhost:6543/navigator/ in your browser and enjoy your research.

Starting manually

If you don’t intend to use the provided Docker Compose configuration, this is an appropriate snippet that should get you started:

docker run --rm -it \
    --volume=$PWD/patzilla.ini:/etc/patzilla.ini:ro --publish=6543:6543 \
    local/patzilla \
    pserve /etc/patzilla.ini